Monday 1 April 2013


OK, NaPoWriMo...  Great opportunity to actually start writing a blog?  Although, as a not self-identified pseudo-writer (if that makes any sense at all), I should probably have been writing one by now.  It's that weird intersection of wanting to write but realising that it could be egocentric, then remembering that no-one will actually bother reading it anyway...  Anyway, enough random rambling about self/selfishness (although, as anyone who knows me will know, it's kind of a broken record with me so I'll probably end up going on about it again at some point).  Here's the poem- not finished or polished in any way but that's the point of NaPoWriMo I think...


Sometimes you run
until your feet feel mermaid pain
and joints grind bone-on-bone
like calcium clockwork
and that's the moment
you don't know you've been waiting for
and you run five, ten miles
more than planned,
mind lost in the rushing sea
sharpened by salted wind raw from dawn
footsteps balance the earth's shift.

You're semi-aware, endorphins
loosen your senses to drift
mindless clouds through a hazy sky
sense of self solidified in motion.
Coded in muscle, you point
outside, inside your body; ego
dissolved in runner's high.

There's a reason she never
returned under the sea.

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